Energy Warrior hunts the kilowatts

Strata Solar PV – Solshare

Solar Sharing

We are Energy Warriors
– we hunt the kilowatts

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    Get in Touch!!

    We work with ALLUME ENERGY to deliver Solshare – the world’s only hardware for sharing rooftop solar to apartments and offices. This Australian technology, for the first time, makes solar easy and affordable to install on multi-tenanted buildings.

    What is SolShare
    SolShare Allume

    What is SolShare

    The SolShare is a distribution box that can direct solar energy to multiple apartments behind-the-meter simultaneously. It optimises the solar delivery based on who needs the energy at any point in time, while also ensuring that every apartment receives the same amount of solar over the course of each month.

    Why Is there such a benefit?

    The SolShare monitors the demand of each connected unit and every 200 milliseconds determines optimal solar delivery to maximise on site solar, which directly correlates to maximising savings. Being able to monitor the solar energy delivery 5 times a second results in up to 55% more solar being consumed on site when compared to if each apartment had their own individual solar system.

    SolShare monitors
    What is SolShare


    The SolShare is a distribution box that can direct solar energy to multiple apartments behind-the-meter simultaneously. It optimises the solar delivery based on who needs the energy at any point in time, while also ensuring that every apartment receives the same amount of solar over the course of each month.

    Energy Warrior hunts the kilowatts

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    The Energy Warrior

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